[Open] Hiring a Variety of Good Developers for a Large Game



Over the past few years, Roblox games has been degrading. In my opinion, games and focus have driven away from the most important aspect of games. They should be fun. I am not here to point fingers, and I do expect a lot of complaints. In its current stage, 90% of the games you see being played are more or less the same. They are focused on the business aspect, whether as a cash grab simulator or as a cash grab RPG game. The focus has generally been centered around profit and taking money from kids. In addition, these are short term games. If this game dies, we’ll make another one for profit. I remember at least 10 years ago, when while quality of games were lower, Roblox was more widespread. You had more people playing. You have parent playing with kids, and it was more focused on Quality of Life than Profit of Life.

In addition, there was more creativity. Now in an attempt to achieve the better game, players are copying each other’s ideas in order to make a “better version” of their idea.

Another problem with the good, original games that are trying to come out is that they are hardly successful. It usually is a fault within the dev team. This can be from lack of planning, lack of incentive, lack of work ethic, and many other factors. This could also be a fault within the premise of the community. The game just isn’t popular, or the team can’t get updates out in time to meet the demands of the community. The final problem, would be the leader of the Developer Team. The leader of the developer team much be strong willed, as to not be pushed around. The leader must be able to make appropriate decisions that doesn’t hinder the team, nor the game potential. They must take an appropriate stand on game decisions and suggestions for the sake of the game and the community. While it is fine to listen and consider decisions of the community, it is important to take a stand on what to accept and what to reject. At the same time, it is adverse to the development of the game to block out the community as a whole. It is all about balance and knowing how to be in control when leading these sort of things.

What should Roblox be and what makes Roblox so great of a Resource?

The nice thing about Roblox is that it is an easy-to-use platform that gives young children a first-hand experience, a leap into the Game Development World. Players are more upfront and live in developing games, compared to using different interfaces such as Scratch and Unreal. The platform is simple enough where young developers can flourish. The current problem is that < 1% of the player community are composed of developers which also shows for the lack of games. Aspiring game developers shouldn’t be limited to simple mechanics of Roblox, but that doesn’t mean they can’t get first-hand experience. Roblox is a flexible platform where there are plenty of customizable things a player can do. This goes from custom art, UI, Rigs, Models, and etc. Compare it to a game such as Minecraft where art and design is limited to pixelated blocks, voxels, and Cube Maps. The Developer Exchange Program is a cool resource for players as young as 13 to earn some coin on the side. But it should not be the focus of Game Development, especially in Roblox. Players will earn a lot more working for professional Game Development companies than Roblox.

My Roblox Development Background

Unfortunately, my development background to show is fairly small.
I mainly do some scripting commissions here and there.
I am also a co-scripter of a game called Astral:Hearts.
Astral Hearts: Origin - Roblox

We are Hiring the following:

Some people may be able to fit one or more roles.

  • Environmental Designers/Builders (Multiple?)

  • Clothes Designer

  • Graphics Designer [Optional]

  • Sound effects

  • Voice Actor - Male

  • 3D Modeler - Specializes in Custom Rigs/Mobs

  • 3D Modeler - Specializes in 3D Meshes for Armor and Accessories

  • 3D Modeler - Specializes in Weapons

  • Concept Artist

About Us

Hello all, apologies for the lengthy introduction. We are Lost In Time Studios (LiT Studios). The game we are making is truly a massive one. This will be a long-term game.

Archaic Revelations (ARE-KAY-IK REV-EL-AY-SHENS)

About the Game

It is a large, complicated, Open World MMORPG game. Indeed, Archaic Revelations is a complicated name and most likely difficult to pronounce for most. In general, we will abbreviate AR. Who knows, I would be glad for people to mistake AR for Archaic Revelations instead of Augmented Reality. As a whole, the name explains the game.

I rather not disclose the primary objective of the game upfront. All I can provide is that it will be a multi-part storyline that ties together single player and multiplayer games. The game will enforce collaboration between players. Many ideas have yet to flourish and further develop as the game goes on. The goal is to provide a quality, optimized game for players that provides a fun, challenging aspect to gameplay. I cannot provide details directly, due to links that violate the Forum Rules, but you can contact me via Contacts at the bottom of the page. I do have a 70-page Design Document that covers most of the game, with room to flatten out specifics. It is public, but I cannot provide it in this post since it may possess content that violates forum rules. I also possess a trello for planning.

Overall the game will seem impractical on the Roblox platform, but it is all the better.

For the fun of it, we might sneak of references to other games and stuff in the future! :slight_smile:

I am open to Game Suggestions, but I refuse to sacrifice the quality of the game to make things easier. Once the ideas on the Design Doc are implemented, will I be looking towards the community.

As this is a massive game, there will be 3 primary obstacles we will encounter.

  1. Optimization

  2. Exploitation

  3. Securing the Player Base and promotion of the Game

Most of these have been accounted for, but overall the game will require lots of testing and playing around.

As the game is intended to have a challenging aspect to it, it is likely to be more focused towards the older audiences of 10+. I still think we underestimate the younger audience though. We will have to play around with the tutorial aspects in an attempt to engage the younger audience as well.

The Team

@DarkLizz- Programmer/Project Lead
@GrenadeNade- Trial Dev: UI Designer
Vacant - Environmental Designer(s)
Vacant - Trial Animator
Vacant - Sound Effects
@Mukar - Music Producer
Vacant - Graphics
Vacant - 3D Modeler: Custom Rigs/Mobs
Vacant - 3D Modeler: Armor and Accessories
Vacant - 3D Modeler: Weapons
@sliceofbliss - Trial Dev: 3d Modeling Weapons
Vacant - Male Voice Actor(s)
@PugAddictVivi - Female Voice Actor/Sfx
Vacant - Female Voice Actor(s)
Vacant - Concept Artist

We do offer Trial Services for other roles for aspiring developers, but we are looking for necessary developers to fill in the above roles.

All roles (including other development roles) are also open so anyone can apply. But these are the few we have emphasis on. We are okay with having multiple developers in each or multiple departments.

As I am a lone programmer, there isn’t really much I can show about the game. All I can provide is that it will be slow-moving and a work in progress, but we will be working to completion.

About The Job

All positions will more or less be associated with an interview in addition to the Google Form Application to see if you will fit the vibe of the team.

Background checks will also be conducted as necessary, especially on Modelers to guarantee the ingenuity of the models. I have a strict policy when it comes from stealing work. It is suggested to provide original models, you can even sign it. No work will be used without the approval of the creator.

Communication Skills are absolutely necessary.

Must speak English.

Must have an aspiring, creative, and open mindset.

Professionality and Maturity should be a given.


Minimal Criteria:

  • Experienced in Skeletal-Based Animations

  • Experienced in a variety of Animations and Animation Styles

Why Skeletal-based versus posed?

The problem with pose-based animation styles is that it isn’t as fine-tune. It is more difficult to accurately stop an animation midway and track where I am in the animation, versus a skeletal-based animation.

I will be developing my own plugin/platform for how we will be doing Animations. We will not be using Roblox’s Animation Studio nor Moon’s Animation Suite. I don’t think we will be using blender animations as I don’t find animations based on keyframes to be accurate enough to keep up with our Optimization. I will be training our Animators on using our Animation Plugin once it has been completed.

Environmental Design

Minimal Criteria:

Experienced in at least one of the Following:

  • Terrain Building

  • Texturing

  • Lighting

  • General Aesthetics

  • Beams, Rays, and Explosions with Restraint and Optimization

  • Building with Models (Blender)

  • Other Building Aspects

  • Quality & Optimization

The map itself will be zone based. The general environment and ground will be built with the Terrain editor. Regions will be rendered by Voxel. Buildings, trees, and etc will be built from Mesh Models. We will not be using Roblox parts and unions for the models and buildings.

Sound Effects

Minimal Criteria:

  • Have a Microphone

  • Recording software

  • Able to make a variety of sounds of varying pitch through voice or software


Minimal Criteria:

  • Some legitimate Graphics Program i.e Photoshop and Illustrator

  • Experienced in graphical tools such as blurring, noise, blooming effects, etc.

  • Experienced Artist

Will likely be commissioned based.

3D Modeling

Minimal Criteria:

  • Experienced in Blender

  • Able to make quality, yet low poly models.

The idea is that while the models are low poly, they give the illusion/appearance of a higher poly model. This generally is more specific to smooth shading and texturing.

Please provide Tris count for each model.

I suggest showing finished models as well as Tris Count.

In due time, we expect simple assets to take up to a day, larger assets (like bosses) would be longer.

Concept Artist
  • Good Artist (Obviously)

  • Able to comprehend English Descriptions to create Drawings better than my basic Layouts.


  • Experience with an Adobe program such as Photoshop or Illustrator

If its paint, drawings better be good.
Would be a bonus if you could create UI designs as well in Studio, but not required.

If an applicant shows promise, but doesn’t quite meet the criteria, we can offer to hire you as a Trial Developer.

Trial Developer

Trial Developer is the same thing as “Developer-in-Training”.

You will be treated similar to a developer. You will be expected to require more time to do your work (but you should probably finish before I do). I have resources, we are willing to work with you to bring you up to speed within the bounds of the criteria. I will be picky with assets. You will only be paid for successful assets/commissions early on. Unsuccessful assets will not be used, but you can keep them for your use. Payment will be the same as every other developer. We essentially will test you to see if you can reach the point of a solid, reliable developer.


As there is lots of programming necessary, primary delays will be centered around the programming aspect. It will be slowgoing early on, please bear with. I don’t limit developers strictly to my team, so long as work is done as necessary, and you are available as necessary.

I am flexible, and negotiations can almost always be made once in the team! :slightly_smiling_face:

Here is the link to the application form.


This may be a turning point for a lot of you. I am indeed looking for a certain criteria for the game. One of them is developers that aren’t focused on the money aspect.

Think of this as an internship. You will receive plenty of experience with us in the game development business, with some extra coin along the way.

How payments will work is starting out, as this isn’t a legitimate game as of yet, developers will receive starting payments on a commission-basis. Developers will receive payments only on successful commissions. Rejected commissions won’t be paid for, nor will they used. Should the game be successful, you will be asked to continue long-term and will be paid based on a % of the group revenue or commissions.

Models, clothes, and other meshes will be paid by commission, but preferably with the same developer.

In the future we can discuss or negotiate between commission based and/or % based payments depending on the position and the product.

Builders, Programmers, and Music-related positions would transition to % based payment.

All paid assets are restricted to the game and cannot be used for other purposes. You won’t be permitted to use assets outside the game for other games. Portfolios are fine. If you wish to showcase your work to others, that is fine as well.

Should the game be unsuccessful, I’ll simply be going back to the drawing board (as I don’t plan on giving this one up).

As stated above, this will not be a pay to play game. You will be paid fairly among your peers. Just do not expect to be making the big bucks. Each of us will receive our fair share of payment. Starting payments will be in Robux (or USD). Robux will primarily be earned through donations and gamepasses.

It is possible in the future, there may be other forms in payment relating to USD as I do have a viable PayPal.]

Commission payments may increase depending on the amount of revenue generated within the game.

What to expect from me:

I will be willing to dedicate time outside of work to work on the game. As I said, updates will be slow-going, but I will keep the team up to date as often as possible. I will be a fair developer. I don’t play favorites, everyone will receive their fair share of payment. My developers will receive the necessary kindness and fairness they deserve.

Contact Us

For more information regarding the Development or the Game:

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or other forms of contact:





While I provide my discord, I rather not have a ton of random friend requests. If you do want me to check the friend request, please reply on the DevForum post as well or like it so I know to check. I prefer you all apply through the Google Form. Generally I’ll only friend temporarily to redirect you to the server. My DMs are open though for now unless I get overwhelmed.

As I currently have a lot of friend requests, you can also reply with your portfolio and I am willing to check them in due time.

You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Please Note:

There are lots of details I left out or may have forgotten. Be sure to contact me in the future if you need more information!

Developer Application Form:


Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


There’s nothing wrong with linking design docs in posts as long as there’s nothing inappropriate in them.

How much do you intend to be paying developers? For example, if someone completed a task that took them an hour, how much would you pay them?

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The only thing inappropriate would be some discord links spread throughout.

For these sort of things I don’t think an hourly wage is appropriate. Payment amount is dependent on the product and effort into the product. Payment is negotiable.
For example if we are looking at a model. If the model seems to have taken a long time and have a lot of effort put into it, it’ll be a high price. Although I won’t be accepting high poly models. Generally how these negotiations will work is that. The developer will name their price and I will determine between myself and my other developers (with experience in the modeling) to determine an appropriate price along with the developer who made the model. Obviously, I’ll be fair about it, I’ll pay reasonably if necessary.

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Developers can have very different ideas of what is a “fair price”. I’m not asking about an hourly rate, I’m trying to get an idea of what scale you’re offering payment on. Can you think of one potential task and explain what it is and how much you would expect to pay for it?

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I’ve sent in my application- and enjoy the dedication and thought behind this entire post. Good luck with the entire project!


Payments may increase depending on how much revenue is generated from the game.
Depending on how well the product is done and completed, I might add a bonus to the payment.
Payments will be initiated by the developer who made them, and will be narrowed down to a price. The prices below will simply be guesses and estimations at this moment in time. I may edit the post in the future once I have a concrete estimation.
So if we are talking about models, I won’t really be going off of Tris count per say since I do want the game to be optimized. Payment will be out of my own pocket since the in-game purchases will likely not be reliable. The game won’t encourage players spending their robux. I’m hoping for basic models such as basic weapons to be anywhere from 500-2k. The more customized, advanced weapons can go up to 10k (sub 4k-5k Tris). (I rather not spend that much on a model to scale, though it is not unreasonable). That is the current scale for those models. I may make some adjustment in the future as I need to consult with some of my fellow, more experienced developer advisors.

Other models such as buildings and other meshes may vary.

As for building/environmental design, payment can be anywhere from 5k-10k robux per zone. This is dependent on quality, number of buildings, and other potential factors. Unfortunately if I pay 50k robux for every zone, I’ll go broke.

Music Production/Sound Effects:
Payments will be based on how long the piece is, amount of dedicated editing put into the piece, and number of instruments going into the piece. I can’t say what a good price is as of yet as I need to consult with fellow developer advisors.

Voice Actors:
Base payment will be dependent on number of words I put in the script as well as quality put into it.

So overall, if developers are focusing on the business aspect, I won’t hire. I will pay, I am simply not going to expend my whole paycheck when I have other expenses to deal in real life. It also does not fit the vibe I am looking for for the team.
Professional companies have starting loans from banks to pay off their employees until they become self-sufficient. Unfortunately I don’t have any loans for a roblox game.
As stated, the above prices are simply base prices that may fluctuate, and they are also negotiable.

I understand that as a result, I will receive very few applicants, but I am in no hurry to hire the necessary and appropriate developers for the team.

If anyone wants information regarding the game and how revenue will be acquired within the game, either message me on Discord, or I can provide some other way to provide the google docs link. Unfortunately due to some discord links within, I don’t think I’ll be able to directly drop it in the post.

Any other specifics and clarifying questions, don’t hesitate to ask :slight_smile:.

Thanks, I’ll check it out soon.

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I see that the trial developer positions are full… Could you put two people in the same position? If so, I want to trial my building skills. (I would really like to try and see if I could some sort of trial building.)

None of the positions are full/ever full. If you fill out the Google Form, I’ll look through it and determine based on your skills and other aspects if you are fit for the team. If so, I am willing to welcome yourself under our wing.

Didn’t you already make this post?

A few weeks ago, I made modifications and hoping for new replies since it automatically got closed.

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Please keep this open. I will submit an application in the next few days.

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I’m in no rush to close apps anytime soon. Apps will pretty much always be open for all the positions. Some positions I may limit in the future. I do hold a specific criteria for my devs. So I allow those willing to edit their applications.

I sent you are friend request on Discord
My name in William.#1281

Going to apply in a day or so, currently not on Computer

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