[OPEN] Hiring All-Kinds of Devs for Trampoline Game

About Us

Hello There! We are a small, and upcoming Trampoline Park, hiring Builders, Modellers Scripters for our Trampoline Game. You are required to have past work, and around about a years experience.

To be hired as a scripter you must be able to :

  • Make GUI’s
  • Rank Doors
  • Specialized nametag
  • (Other things will be discussed in DM’s)

To be hired as a Modeller you must be able to :

  • Build chairs, etc.
  • Build high details tree’s
  • Build loads of models

To be hired as a Builder you must be able to :

  • Build Offices
  • Build rooms, etc.
  • More discussed in DM’s

The Team
@ImTheBestGamer4Life - Founder
@poepiemax123 - Co-Founder
@ImTheBestGamer4Life - Head of Development
@Hiring - Modeller
@im_eoin @Hiring - Scripter
@Hiring - UI Maker
@MuhhMan22 @confusual @Hiring - Builder

Payment : You will be payed a percentage, and ROBUX throughout the time, when I get it. (more info will be discussed in DM’S)

You can contact on discord at :
Must be 13 or over to apply

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