[OPEN] Hiring Clothing Designers


About Us

Hello and welcome to Windlight Clothing! We are looking for 5-10 Clothing Designers, willing to help us grow and design.

About The Job

We are looking for a few designers that can create cute and aesthetic designs without copying. You need to have some skills, and need Discord.

Our group needs 5-10 designers willing to design original and well designed clothing. We ask you to either talk with a Head Designer or Chairman before uploading your clothing.


Prices and Percentages can be negotiable and will be raised as funds and our community grows.

Contact Us

You can contact me on Discord : intzane#7179

Roblox Group : https://www.roblox.com/groups/7424728/Windlight#!/about

Thank you!

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I don’t have Discord but here is my portfolio anyways for future reference; MissMae15 | Clothing Designer

Hey! I am interested and sent a friend request on discord to talk further.

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