About The Job
Hey there scripters! PigLion Games is looking to hire a long term scripter for the upcoming game, “Auction Town.” The auction system is basically finished and has been made easy to edit and add onto. The game still needs UI scripted, a rarity system with inventory and plenty of catalog items added to the loot pool. Items will each have its own rarity and value. We also would like to add a trading system, some gamepasses, a shop to sell items at. We might also want a housing system with furniture/decoration placement if possible. This could be paid extra
Payment will be in USD, using paypal. I’ll pay per asset completed. If you’re willing to stick around long-term to complete the game, there’s potential for $200+ USD, maybe a small % on top if you do a good job
Contact Me
Best place to contact me is discord @ Robstinator#0315 or message me here on the devforum.