[OPEN] Hiring Scripters for Nebular Cafe!

Our Team!

@oshawottice - Builder
@thiscouldbeyou! - Scripter
@adurances - GFX artist

About The Job

We are looking for a scripter to join our up-and coming cafe!




What are you planning to for a gfx because you wont generally get professional gfxs that are below 1000 (my opinion)


Alright, changing prices, thanks for the idea.

If so I may be interested my discord is
Win The Dark Flame Master#9516

I guess I would be interested in being a builder, though, isn’t 200 robux a bit too low, even for me?
(Well I’ve been building unpaid for 3 years…)
Portfolio: Builder for hire! (TEMP CLOSED)
Discord: Icyblocks#6660

EDIT: Realised you changed the prices lol, definitely interested now

We changed to 500.

The characters limit…

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im interested my discord is Juice#0789

What do you need scripted? Please be more specific.

I am interested in the job of constructor, my Discord: Mateooarce1 # 5356, I can send you photos of my constructions :slightly_smiling_face:

I am interested.
I am a builder and willing to show past work in discord.
I have sent a friend request in discord.
My discord is: Riki_Blox#0719

Can you please give more information about the scripting you need done.

Currently interested in your GFX position.
I have sent a friend request via discord, to which I will send examples on there as well once accepted.


I’ll need coffee machines, everything else for a cafe.

Is this serious or something else?
500 robux for making a whole cafe?
It should be AT LEAST 10k robux. (May vary on the size, like a small one could use 5k)
But this is way too low, its underpay! Making a cafe takes a lot of work, and to make a medium one it would take, even an experienced developer, a minimum of 15 hours.
1 robux costs 1.25 cents, hence, 500 robux is 6.25$, if you divide that by 15, (6.25/15) you get 41.
So you basically want someone to work for 41 cents an hour? No thanks.
I understand if you are tight on budget, but nobody is going to work for 41 cents an hour, at least if they know what they are doing.

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Just wondering, why are the scripters getting less paid then the building?

I don’t know, my friend just decided it, I don’t know how to price stuff, I do want to raise it and stuff.

We paid 2.2k for the GFX, the prices here may be outdated.

Alrighty I guess that makes more sense

I was talking about building payemnt, not gfx.

I am interested can you give me some more details so I can decide though? And a bit of a raise would be good too.

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