[ Open ] Hiring skilled voice actors 1/6 Taken

About Us

Hi there! I am the leader of a developer team that is making a complex story game!

About The Job

We are looking for 3 male voice actors and 3 female voice actors. For the first male voice actor you will be the friend of the main protagonist and be in almost every episode. For the second male voice actor, you will be the father of the main protagonist and be in a few episodes here and there. For the last male voice actor, you will be the main villain of season 1 and will be in almost every episode in season

first female voice actor, you will be main protagonist’s lover and be in almost all the episodes. For the second voice actor, you will be the friend of the main protagonist and be in almost every episode. For the last female voice actor, you will be a “guest star” this means you will be the main character with the main protagonist for this one episode or possibly be a recurring guest star for other episodes.


15-25 robux per word

Contact Us

You can contact us here on the dev forum.
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading!


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