About Us
Dev Cafe Dev Cafe is a friendly Roblox Cafe that has been upgraded so much. Whether you’re looking to socialize with others or have a fun time, we are positive we can make that happen at Dev Cafe.
We are only looking for Middle Ranks, High Ranks and Senior High Ranks.
Jobs Offers
Management Intern (MR) 0/15
Management Intern are the 1st MR Rank, and can assist at Trainings. Users have been granted Moderator Admin.
Head of Barista (MR) 0/15
Head of Barista are the 2st MR Rank, and can assist at Trainings. Users have been granted Moderator Admin.
Head of Professional (MR) 0/15
Head of Professional are the 3th MR Rank, and can assist at Trainings. Users have been granted Moderator Admin.
Head of Services (MR) 0/10
Head of Professional are the 4th MR Rank, and can assist at Trainings and also Co-Host. Users have been granted Moderator Admin.
Management (HR) 0/5
Management are the 1st HR Rank, and can assist, Co-Host, Train at Trainings. Users have been granted HR Admin.
Senior Management (HR) 0/5
Senior Management are the 2st HR Rank, and can assist, Co-Host, Train at Trainings. Users have been granted HR Admin.
Shift Manager (SHR) 0/3
Senior Management are the 3th HR Rank, and can assist, Co-Host, Train, Host at Trainings. Users have been granted SHR Admin.
Apply for a Rank
In order to apply, you must dm Nex.#5337 or visit our application center.
What is the job?
As a MR/HR/SHR your job is keep the cafe safe and active. If you are interested, please look above how to apply.
Thank you for reading and hope I will see you soon!