[OPEN] Hiring UI Designer for MURDER-based UI

About Us

Hi there! I am recanman, and I’m working on a game with a friend. It’s based on Star Wars (futuristic, neon stuff), and is a game similar to Murder Mystery 2. I am looking for an ui designer to make some ui. This is a job without a guarantee of payment. If you want a guarantee, then don’t contact me.

The Team
@sharpi107 - Builder (beginner)
@recanman - Scripter

About The Job

I am looking for UI similar to the game MURDER. I personally like the style of it an if anyone can make it for me that will be good.

I will specify what UI I need if you get hired.


This is a job without a guarantee of payment. If you want a guarantee, then don’t contact me.
It is 2000 robux (highly negotiable) when the game makes profit.

Contact Us

You can contact me through discord: recanman#0544
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


Hello, I’ve got a few questions, would we also need to script the UI and would you be willing to guarantee a small payment and then pay the extra if the game earns it. It currently just seems like this 2000 robux is a random number

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UI designer means the person who does the UI, not the person who scripts. Some people do the UI and script. I belive this is just for the people who do the UI.

I script the UI, and I can offer 450 robux when my premium renews.

I could do it for 450, but i would need an upfront payment

Sorry, I don’t have any robux right now as I used it for a commission. I am planning to release my game in 15 days, so either do it for a payment next month or don’t do it at all. Sorry. :slightly_frowning_face:

Hello! Im an experienced UI designer who designed UI on roblox for 2 years now! I am really Interested in this offer. Making a murder mystery kind of UI is pretty simple and I think I can do this task! :smile:

Im looking forward On working with you My discord is BloxsDevs#8239 I sent you a request

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