I have a table full of instances and I want to destroy the instances in the table which is inside of a dictionary, is there any way to do this or do I have to create a variable?
I tried
for i,v in pairs(tablehere[character]) do
am I doing it wrong?
I hope I didn’t misunderstand this but I’m sure you can simply use table.clear() to empty the entire table.
You kind of misunderstood, I want to get the instance from the table, then destroy it.
Is that possible?
April 18, 2023, 12:12pm
So you have your table and you character is the key of the instance? If so, you can call it and destroy it like this:
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April 18, 2023, 12:14pm
It looks like you might be looping through the instance rather than the table.
Do you mean something like this.
for i, inst in ipairs(dict[table]) do
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May 2, 2023, 12:15pm
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