Hello all!
Indie Code Studios is currently looking for people to fill multiple development positions!
About us
The Team leads at Indie Code Studios are all college age developers that are dedicated to making innovative and novel games in Roblox. While we happen to be somewhat new to Roblox studio, we are dedicated, hardworking and mature. We are also all overflowing with ideas of different concepts and things we would like to do. All of us have come here with the main goal of making something truly interesting. That being said, while money is still important (Ad funding and helping us in our poor college student struggles) it is not our main goal; and we are not afraid to short ourselves in order to see our games turn into something great.
Current Project
Our current project is a small club sim game. The goal is to build a foundational community and a group of dedicated developers, so that we can tackle the projects we would really like to do.
Here are some pictures from our current project. Nothing is set in stone and its all conceptual, so its lacking some detail. Hope you like where we are going
Planned Games
Our plans for future games plans are ambitious, they include a Risk of Rain inspired Pve 3ps, and a Monster Hunter inspired adventure game with custom lore. They are both games that we have wanted to make for a long and time are constantly talking about different concepts and ideas to implement.
Current Job openings
Tester - Anyone that joins our group will be able to play and test on our current games closed alpha (when released).
Paid Tester - A select few will be paid to spend time in game specifically to look for bugs or any sort of improvement that can be made. The google doc application is available in our groups discord. Payment will be determined by the amount of time the tester is able to dedicate in game, and the amount of experience they have. Starting salary is 500 robux
Future/Planned Job Openings
(Jobs that will be made available once our current project is released and we are looking for devs to bring in for more ambitious ventures.) Application forms will be made available once the positions are officially opened.
GFX Artists
Our Discord Here
Thank you all for your time and reading through my post. I appreciate any and all interest!