About Me
Hey. I’m Iskender. Been playing this game since 2011 now. I’m a mostly (besides SplashyBee and Sesmonkk steering me in the right direction whenever I screw up) self-taught clothing designer, specializing in sci-fi and fantasy armor, mostly, but I do a bit of everything.
So far, most of my work has been uploaded to Sesmonkis Corporation, but I have previously done commissions for extremely large groups like Vikinglaw’s TSU.
In terms of other skills, I can do ROBLOX builds, blender models, gfx, ui design, graphic design… Programming… I think the only thing I haven’t dipped my toes into is music, which is ironic since my dad’s extremely into playing it.
but, I’m not really going to do commissions on that end, at least for now.
Open this image in another tab to see the full view. There’s more on my Twitter, but I think this image is pretty succinct.
I really don’t like this one on a personal level, but it’s good on a technical level, so… In the portfolio it goes.
These next two are mockups! In this first one, the people in it are:
Knightmario77, BasedGodHeidrekurson, me, SplashyBee, sesmonkisj, Koony_Argead, Ridd_Argead, TheNoobishLeprechaun, and BasedGodIdab
Studio Builds
This whole section has been updated with more recent builds as of the second of September, 2021.
Ah yes, maps. Something I haven’t seen anyone else on this forum do. No, not built maps. Drawn maps.
Some examples of them are here on imgur. They’re too big for DevForum’s file size limits, because I make all of my maps ridiculously big, so I can zoom in to all of the details.
Just keep in mind, doing maps is like - my absolute passion - if I could just sit around drawing maps all day every day, I would, so don’t be surprised if it takes me a long time to make one.
This is starting to stray further and further out of easily marketable territory, but, hey, I’m a man who likes me some flags.
Heck, if you end up commissioning a map or some clothing pieces, I’ll throw in a flag for free, just because I want to make more flags.
Here’s my commission sheet for clothes.
This is /not/ usable for long-time work or work for actual corporations.
Prices are negotiable - just don’t try to lowball it too far down. I have a starving ROBLOX family of 4 Argeads to feed. I would prefer to be payed by CashApp, but if that’s not doable for you, that’s fine.
As is stated in the image, payment will be conducted after the first progress screenshot of the commission is sent to you. While the commission is still in-progress, you can request edits and alterations, but once it is finished (.png file of the commission sent to you) any further edits will be the same price as a variant. If it’s a mistake on my end, though, ie: I forgot to color something because I’m a dope, then I’ll fix it free of charge - but “I don’t like the way the shoulderpad looks” isn’t a mistake once the uniform’s already done.
In terms of maps and flags, if you really desperately want to commission one of those for… some reason, just shoot me a DM about them specifically and we’ll talk it over. I’m not even really sure how to price that sort of thing, to be honest.
I’m not currently taking commissions or blender models or studio builds, but I may in the future.
I’m generally available after 5 PM EST to whenever I decide to go to sleep,
It can take up to three weeks to complete a commission depending on how busy I am, plus I’m generally - very slow with these things, but the average I would say is a week or two tops. If it’s more complex, expect longer, if it’s less complex, don’t expect as long.
Discord: iskender#6156
Twitter: @IArgead
ROBLOX: IskenderArgead (For some reason this was not working before. It is now.)
Carrier Pigeon: TBA