[OPEN] Koffee Games is hiring for a fast-paced combat game! [$1K+ total budget]

All roles filled for now! Thanks everyone!

About Us

Hello! I’m Harry, owner of Koffee Games, a new soon-to-be development team, and I’m looking for a number of roles who are willing to join.

What I’m looking for
UI Designer - 1/1
Builder and Modeller - 1/1
Scripter - 1/1

About The Job

I’m looking for experienced roles to join my new development group. I’m flexible, but I would appreciate good communication skills, and I expect all deadlines to be met.

Examples of our game's build style

Credit: Paladins

For more information on the game that we’re going to be making, you can check out this thread for the rundown.

To begin with, I’m going to need around 3 diverse high quality maps, and more will likely be required if the game is successful.

The scripter will need experience in coding functioning guns, skill trees, etc. The final game will likely include skill-based matchmaking, so a firm all-round experience in scripting would be more than helpful.


My preferred payment method is PayPal. My budget is yet to be finalised, although you can expect payment for the initial game to be roughly like this:

  • Scripter - $275
  • Builder/modeller - $180
  • UI Designer - $30

Payment will be issued at each “checkpoint” throughout the project (i.e. finishing a map).

Robux can be used as the payment method but please be aware that due to marketplace fees the payment may be a little less than expected. If this is your only way of receiving the funds, then I’ll do what I can.

Contact Us

You must be 15 or older to apply and able to speak fluent English. You can contact me here on the Developer Forums, or you can add me on Discord (harrison.#6969 - make sure to include the dot at the end of my name).

Please also ensure that you provide a link to an extensive portfolio on this forum (or any equivalent, such as screenshots or game links to your work) when contacting me - you will not be eligible if you’re unable to do this.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


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