[OPEN] Lhimpy || Studio builder

About Me

Heya there! My name is pie. I’ve been developing here on the ROBLOX platform ever since 2018 as a builder. So far I’ve worked for just a few successful games, and actually working on two current projects!

Here are some pictures of recent and past builds

(Sorry for horrible screen shots! But I promise you, they all look better in-game.)


Weekends: All day

Weekdays: 4:15 PM - 7 PM CST


Small build: :robux:1000

Medium build: :robux: 2000 -7000

Large build: :robux: 5000 -15000

:money_with_wings: USD:
Small build: :money_with_wings: 5-10$

Medium build: :money_with_wings: 7$ - 15$

Large build: :money_with_wings: 25$ - 100$


You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or Discord: pie#3333

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


Your work looks very nice & detailed, and I like the fact that you can have different styles! I’ll be in contact shortly

Hi, I’ve tried contacting you via discord however I can’t find your username, pie#8529 isn’t working.

Kind regards,

Ah, my bad. I’ve changed my discord to pie#3333