[OPEN] Looking for a Builder

About Us

Hello there!
We are a hotel group that is currently building a third version of their hotel!

The Team
@oal_n - Main Scripter
@redJuli21 - Scripter
@tacticaIspell - Builder
@FGG_Pro - 3d Modeler

About The Job

We need an advanced, active builder for our upcoming version 3 of our hotel.
We need room designs (3d models provided), islands, etc!
We expect you to have prior experience at cafe/hotel groups as a developer with at least 500 Members.
We expect you to spend at least one or two hours daily on building!
We are looking for a long-term, once version 3 is done you have to except building for about an hour weekly.


We are willing to pay 500-1000 Robux for the complete version 3.

Contact Us

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or via Discord: ThatStrangeMaxi#8534
You must be 13 years or older to apply.
You are required to provide a picture or portfolio of your work once I accept your friend request.

Thanks for reading!

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