About Us
G’day, we’re Runaway Studios! We are currently in development of a new Roblox music type game, and are looking for a GFX Artist to help us out in development.
The Team
@MrDurpyy - Builder/Project Leader
@crrowbarrs - Builder/Project Overseer
@P0TATOKlNG - Creative Team
About The Job
We are looking for a GFX artist to complete the following:
x1 - Advertisement (Tower ad)
x1 - Icon (One will be the group icon, the other will be the game icon
x1 - Thumbnail
GFX Examples/Refrences
In the icon, we want a character to be DJing, as the game is DJ themed.
For the game thumbnail, once again, we want a character DJing, but with an audience this time. Inspiration can be found from images such as Tomorrowland.
For the advertisement, we want a side view of a character djing. Yes there is a lot of DJ stuff, but that is due to the fact that this whole game is music themed.
We will offer a base pay of 200 robux for the 3 assets, including a percentage, which will be 6%. We offer the percentage as we may want to hire you again in the future for updates. We will pay via T-shirt and will cover the 30% fee.
Contact Us
Discord: Avicii#2018
You must be at least 14 to apply.
Thanks for reading!