[OPEN] Looking for a professional Discord bot developer!

So me and my friend are opening a music show based group and we will be doing music charts and saled for the artists that participate on this (ofc its all fake and its for roleplaying purposes lol)

I am looking for a bot that can act as a music streaming platform, in which we will be able to add the fictional artists and people will be able to stream their songs.

Example of what I’m looking for! (i will be using ! as the prefix for this demonstration)

!stream drivers license olivia rodrigo
(song name) (artist)

[SIDE NOTE: for this we will be having lots of songs by our fictional artists and of course multiple fictional artists as well)

then the bot will count the streams of all the songs that got streamed by the people and will be telling us how many streams each song got and based on that we will be creating a (fictional) music chart (the bot doesn’t need to create the chart, that one will be human made based on the data the bot creates) Please do note I am willing to pay more if you decide to make the bot able to do the chart.


  1. Stream command

In order to stream a song user must do: !stream (song name) (artist)

A database in which all the artists and the songs are available in order for them to be streamed. If user adresses an unexistant song and/or an unexistant artists then bot must reply with “I couldnt find the song/artist you are looking for”.


once the user runs the stream command the bot will add 1 stream count to the song. There should be somewhere in which me (admin) can be able to access the total streams of all the songs.

for example, the bot will be creating info in which the song and its streams will be visible “UNNATURAL BY OLIVIA RODRIGO - 56 streams (total number of counted streams)




BOT: Successfully created an account for ‘Idol Music’! [bot most attach the card in which the details are showed] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/845947328245530634/845969597189324830/24A6BFEC-6217-42F1-9304-4D34E6E50F0C.jpeg

!profile (whenever someone does this command, the bot will be sending their card with their profile info)

[Since bots can have custom statuses, is there a way for the bot to have a status kind of like “Streaming music for ‘x’ users”, and the ‘x’ which will be a number will be getting bigger as more people decide to create their account for the bot. If only to people created their account then the bot status will be “Streaming music for 2 users”


!stream [The stream command will be the default command in which people will be able to stream the music, in order to use this command you must add the song name followed by the artist “!stream drivinghome kamila”

!stream drivinghome kamila
(Song name) (Artist)

(You can choose whether song names that have 2+ words should be separated by a spade or not ex. drivinghome or driving home)

If the person who is using the command types in an inexistent song or artist then the bot most reply by leaving a message letting the user now the error.

please keep in mind that the bot WONT actually be streaming any real thing such as a video or actual song. as well, all the overall streams of a song should be going somewhere in which admins are able to view this info. cooldown, there should be a cooldown of 5 minutes between each user stream in order to avoid cheating and promote the regular use of the bot.


Since we will be having multiple artists and many songs I guess order in between the coding of the songs and artists available would be better and essential to avoid confusion. Meaning, each song should be ordered by the respective album it belongs to of the desired artist, and each album should be ordered under that one artist. With this, we will be allowed to know in which song the album is, and of which artist is that album.



the bot most be able to display a chart ordering the songs with most unique listeners on the past hour. If a song has 3 unique listeners and 4 streams and another song has 1 unique listener and 8 streams, the song with the 3 unique listeners will rank higher due to it having the most unique listeners. This chart should be showing the top 20 songs with the most unique listeners and should be getting updated every hour, preferible at :00.

If you have any questions or doubts feel free to let me know!

I do not have a budget or any limit at all, I am willing to negotiate the price of the bot.

You may of course dm me here via the DevForum and you can as well find me on discord!

Discord: dlmy#1998
(Please let me know if you added me in discord since I have multiple friend requests and I won’t be able to know who’s looking for the job)

Thanks for reading! I truly appreciate your time!

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