[OPEN] Looking for a scripter to make trading system

About Us

Hi there! We are NewGeneration, a big game development team.

The Team
iGCEL - Co-Founder of the group and scripter
Pluto_Dev - Founder of the group and builder

About The Job

We’re looking for a scripter who is willing to make a trading system for our new game! I will tell you how the system should look like on DM.


I am paying around 20k Robux for the trading system completed. Our preferred payment method is through T-Shirts, Gamepasses. Prices are negociable.

Contact Us

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or via my Discord(to be told via DevForum message)
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Deadline: May 10th
Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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