[OPEN] Looking for a scripter to script Titans from Attack on Titan

About The Job

I am looking for a scripter that is capable of scripting Titans from Attack on Titan. Scripting Titans will include scripting animations, hitboxes, damages, and movement. Players should have a difficult time and be scared of these Titans. Again, they should be hard but killable.

Elaboration of the Job

Player goes to kill titan, they hit their eye hitbox, the titan plays a blind animation and stops moving for a certain amount of time. In this time, they orbit around the titan hitting his nape hitbox. The titan has a ragdoll death, and as it falls it starts steaming and it’s transparency goes down until eventually the titan disappears. Once the titan falls, you should be able to walk through its body and limbs to prevent people from being trapped under the titan. With the hitboxes, the same goes for other hitboxes. It hits an arm hitbox, and the arms get sliced off. It will slowly regenerate but the titan will be able to move. If a player touches the mouth hitbox of the titan, the player will get stuck in the titans mouth and will be bit in half. (Doesn’t actually have to be bit in half.) If you need more information on everything, I can provide a detailed explanation for what I want each hitbox to do.


You will be paid via R$, my budget is $1-3k.
Price is negotiable.

Contact Us

You can contact me via discord at: Tokyoh#0888
You must be 13 years or older to apply.
You must have at least one year of scripting.

Thanks for reading! :smile:

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