[Open] Looking for a train builder / Scripter Decent price

About Us

Hi there! We are NetGames a group that been providing roleplay since 2016

The Team
@CorruptDetected90 - founder

About The Job

We are looking for a builder and a Scripter who can build a train that includes next stop display that can change. The driver will have a next stop display gui to change and door buttons including a train delete button.

We want the train to look exactly like the class 150 and a Pacer train also known as a class 140
We also expect the trains to run securely down the tracks and not to derail.

We also would like you to make a dart Denis bus for the motor sound we will find a video to show you.

Trains and buses are from the UK and would be recommended if you are from the UK.


We are paying 500 - 520 robux for all the assets including the scripts and may add you to 10% of payment of all group funds if you have done a decent job

Contact Us

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or via discord CorruptDetected#9384

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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