[OPEN] Looking for All Developers!

About Us
Hi there! We are Fortis Studios, a small upcoming game development team. We’re looking for developers who are willing to join our team and work with us on our new project, British Armed Forces.

The Team
@tobyisamazing129 - Chairman (Field Marshal)
@Exmmyii - Vice-Chairman (Chief Of General Staff)
@username - Lead Developer (Head Command)
@username - Scripter 0/2
@username - Builder 0/3
@username - Modeler 0/1
@username - GFX 0/1

You can see our progress so far here:

About The Job
We are looking for professional developers to join our team as our Development Team. We expect high quality assets that adhere to our game’s style. Good communication skills are appreciated; we check team progress daily and want to maintain a healthy relationship with one another.

We are paying % of game and group profits based on the amount of work you complete. We will offer a contract for you to sign that will guarantee payment for the assets you’ve created.

Contact Us
on Discord at: Tobxz#6957
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :wave:


Is there a backup payment if the group and game does not meet any of the requirements?


Do you need commission-based builders? For example, do you need certain assets built? If so, DM me here on the devforum.

I can do GFX! Social#8980 (30 chars…)

added you on discord lak"keys#0101 i wanna be a builder/

I have nothing to do with this post but if I’m being honest, backup payments are ridiculous. The point of % is you taking that risk, not because the game flops and you demand robux. There’s no need of having a backup payment, it’s simple, if you don’t want to take the risk, then don’t take it. Find something that will suit you best.

I mean, I totally agree, but I think it would be less of a risk, and you would get more replies and people to work, if you have a backup payment, if the game is successful, then perfect, if it isn’t, then that person put there time and effort in for nothing…and if they want there assets to go away, they could be scammed.

I agree with @Noasterio there are many reasons why there should be a backup payment plus nobody wants to get scammed here.

Like I said, that’s the risk. If your not willing to take the risk then don’t take it.

I can DM you on discord, since I am the most active on Discord. Exmmyii#8688

(before you question who this is I am the Vice Chairman lol)

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