[OPEN] Looking for an Animated Icon/Logo


About Us

Hello, my name is Christina! I’ve owned my group, PO$ITIONS, for nearly 3 years and have been a designer on this platform for just as long. We are a larger clothing group that provides quality clothing that appeals to everyone. We are currently looking for an animated icon for our Discord server and possibly as our game intro!

Our Group

You can find the link to our group here:

About The Job

The job is pretty simple for those who are experienced with making animated logos, as we’re just looking for a colorful logo with some animated butterflies or sparkles on it, just to give some life to our Discord server icon and maybe as an intro into our homestores.


KYLIE Animated Logo



We are currently only paying through group-funds, with over 300K available. Payment is solely based on your prices, as well as how long it takes and how well made it is.

Contact Us

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or via Discord at:
OWNER’S Discord: christina#0420
CO-OWNERS Discord: $$#0069

Please reach out to the owner’s Discord before adding the co-owner, only use them if you cannot contact me!

Thank you so much for reading! :slight_smile:


Sent! KrazyKha0s#3226
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Hello I am Pikachuraya aka Bloxsdevs on youtube. I am Interested In your offer. I can design all sorts of logos and animate them. My discord : Bloxsdevs#8239

Bit of a heads up to those who want to take this up, user stopped responding to me after I started.



Same!!! Im not sure what is happening but she / he did the exact same thing to me.

She probably just wasn’t interested or changed her mind and didn’t want to be disrespectful, poor communication on her behalf but I assume that’s the reason

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