[OPEN] Looking for builders, modelers, scripters, and clothing designer

About Us

Hi there! We are The Falcons Imperium, a small upcoming border development team. We’re looking for builders, modelers, and a scripters who are willing to join our team and work with us on our border! It is currently very small, but with the help of yourselves, and recruiting we should be up and running in no time!

The Team
Owner/Landlord @max123lover2 Full
Builder @guy56890 @max123lover2 Needing 2 more.
Scripter @guy56890 @max123lover2 Full
Modeler @Franco_ARC Full
GFX Artist N/A
Clothing Designer N/A

About The Job

We are looking for a professional builder, scripter, modeler, and Clothing Designer. This is a border game similar to The Nighthawk Imperium hoping to grow to be just like them. I expect models to be worked through to be atleast 1-2 hours, I expect the map to be done in a minimum of a month maximum in 3-4 months. Scripts needs to be working and good.
This is a full time job


I am currently paying in % as I do not have robux at the time. If they game goes successful and we get kinda big and players buy our items it will change to payments of atleast 1k every week depending on how much robux we gain.

Contact Us

You can contact me Via Discord at ItsMaxi#2977 give me a friend request and I will be sure to accept it.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


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