[OPEN] Looking for Project Managers and Founders(please read fully)

:tools: Finding Co-Founders :tools:

I’m looking to found a group with members older than 15, with experience in being an HR, apart of relations, operations, and staff management. I’m also looking for someone to help design a professional discord server. I want this restaurant to be the dream that you have always wanted and a dream that I have always wanted. I’ll be looking for 1-3 co-founders depending on how much I want.

Project Manager

I’m also looking for a Project Manager to handle development while I work on the group. You must know a few skills in development as well. I’ll go through much more information that is needed about development before you start development.


You must know how to manage a group, must have experience in ownership, must know how these groups work. You must also know the relations, staff management departments. You must apply properly as well. You must be able to provide funds for this group just like I will as well.

Past Experience

I have created many groups that have reached a milestone of 3k members, if you are interested in seeing those past groups I’ve founded DM me.


:pencil: If you are interested in applying for co-founder you must apply properly or no response from me. You must tell me about yourself, give me a little incite of your HR/ownership experience, tell me which groups you’ve worked for with member count, and tell me your age. This must be a nice paragraph, or more if wanted. If I don’t reply, you did something wrong and you must try and fix it. I usually reply fast.


This is going to be a restaurant located in New York City (Roblox RP game), will serve pizza, drinks and desserts. With loving professional staff and co-owners and project managers.

Contact Information

You can contact me on discord here: von!#7797

Thank you for reading, wish you luck in getting these positions.


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