[Open] Looking for someone to create a 2D group logo

About the Job

Hey there,
I’m co-owner of GroundBase Studios, me and my friend @duckstz, the owner of GroundBase, are currently looking for a new group logo. We checked out some other development studios and got stuck with this type of logo:

We’re looking for someone to create a logo in a similar style.


We can negotiate a price in DMs, you can tell us how much you expect us to pay for the logo. We won’t underprice your work. Only paying in Robux.


You can contact me on Discord at Andrevk26#3103. I’ll then add you to a DM group with duckstz. Once we found someone to order from, I’ll remove my contact to avoid spam of friend requests.

Thanks for reading this post. I hope we can come to an agreement soon. :slightly_smiling_face:


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