[OPEN] Looking for UI Designers, Builders and Scripters

About Us

Hi there! We are a small upcoming game development team (yet to be formed). We’re looking for builders who are willing to join our team and work with us on our new game, Big Game!

The Team
@username - Builder
@username - Scripter
@username - UI
@Itx_Spenz - Head/Founder/Chairman/Developer

About The Job

We are looking for a builder that will be able to build complex and good looking builds for a unique experience we also are looking for developers that are good with coming up with game ideas.

Our game needs at least 15 new assets completed by the end of this month. We expect each asset will take between 1-2 hours.


We are paying 50% of game earnings a month for a scripter 25% for UI and 15% for a builder. Our preferred payment method is via the group. We will offer a contract for you to sign that will guarantee payment for the assets you’ve created.

Contact Us

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or via Twitter at: x.com
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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Change big game to your game

I’m guessing that’s for builder but

Yeah no, and you want them to take 1-2 hours? And 15 assets done by this month for 15%?

Is % guaranteed? Will there be a sum of money Incase it fails? If so, how much? When creating a recruitment post, you always have to think about the negatives. In addition, you only explained what the builder will do, what about the scripter and UI? One good thing what you have done is taking 5% for your self, which I find nice since most people dont do that. But anyways, good luck on finding people! :smiley:


What are your development skills? You stated that you are a developer in your title

There’s no upfront payment? How do we know the game would be a success?


I do design and Building, I know a few bits in terms of scripting but not a huge amount.

Yes and the % will change depending on the amount of work, It will go by the amount of assets, the sum of money is backed up.

There will be an upfront payment if it fails

Still, what does the scripter and UI do? You didn’t explain that at all in the post.

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If you are hiring professional designers, builders and scripter doesn’t that make you unuseful to the rest of the team?

The scripter will be scripting things like working doors, effects e.g. a player walks down a hallway and a hammer swings down and you must avoid it (example) and the ui will be designing the ui’s that we implement.

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No because I am good at details when it comes to a full on project, also credits would go to the developers, I plan on having a intro that will have the credits.

You have led successful projects before? Whether u get credits or not you have taking 10% for what I believe is nothing


While I wish this could be reality, it’s not.

There is no way all builders percents combined is less than or equal to UI designers percents. Unless your game is like Draw It! and the whole game is on UI’s, builders almost always have more work than UI designers especially with 15 assets by the end of the month.

I suggest you change percentages to a more realistic difference between the development categories.

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What do you mean? explain please

Builders have to do more work (in my opinion) than UI designers since building 15 assets takes a total of 15-30 hours while designing a whole games UI (depending on how many UI’s) normally won’t even take 10 hours by someone advanced.

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yes the percentage has changed since, It will go by how much they do now.

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You said in the title that you are looking for UI designers, builders, and scripters but you didn’t mention UI designer in “About The Job”. I am confused.

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