[OPEN] Modeler needed

About Us

Hi there! I’m Ziggy_Dev. I’m 14 year old Roblox programmer and UI Designer. I’m looking to make really big Roblox game and I need some help with that.

The Team
@Ziggy_Dev - UI Designer, Scripter

About The Job

We are looking for a professional modeler that can make realistic/super realistic buildings. Our game will be open world so I need real modeler for this.

Example of our game's build style

You can do like parts of map that will be connected in one big map. Because I need it to be very realistic I’d like if you can make 1 map part per week-week and half (7-10 days). We would discuss about the size of particular map part.


I’m willing to pay in Robux and % of game earnings. Robux payment can be 3000 Robux max. I don’t have more currently but game will be released soon (If everything goes well) so you will get Robux from game earnings too.

Contact Us

You can contact me on discord: Ziggy#1004
(If you want to apply you must have discord)
You must be 14 years or older to apply or have 2-3 years of Builder experience.

I’ll explain more in discord DMs

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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