[OPEN] Obby Builder

About Me

Hi my name is armando, i can work for you for small pay, i like doing obby like common and complex


I can work every day


For 150 stages 700 robux


You can contact me here on the Discord: FORGOT#9999

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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Maybe show some of you work so people know what you can do?

okay no problem, Mega Funset Obby [1000 STAGES] - Roblox

Hey, It’s LowsDev :smiley:
You got a nice portfolio, but here are some ways to make it better.

  • I would go into more detail about your availability, instead of “I am available everyday” Add how long you will be online for.

  • Add a Showcase slide, show some of your work in there, this will actually help you get commissions faster, as they can actually see what you can do. Here’s an example: Screenshot_135

If you do have any questions about how to do this, send me a message :smiley:

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it makes not sense xd, :heart:

I want to hired you and your discord tag doesnt work friend me XanzFX#5892

Hey, looking to get in contact but your cord tag doesn’t work so please add me. sin#3133

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