[open only commission] Portfolio foodeggs7 builder/(ui) designer and Dutch Translator commission

:information_source: info|:euro: payment| :briefcase:jobs| :left_speech_bubble:reactions| :speech_balloon:contact|employees parcle games

portfolio foodeggs7 Designer builder translator video maker

last updated 2024-02-21T16:26:00Z

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Hi there :wave:t2: you are searching for an translator or someone who can made an tumbnail for your game then you need me.

I’m foodeggs7 but you may say food currently I work together with some other Devs on an game called paralleized engineers I’m saving for some group roles I’m have more then one year experience in building and translating and can a bit ui design 3d modeling and scripting I started developing in may 2022 I like it to make events for my game and I like it to test beta features

I will soon make Dev logs from my work on my Yt channel for now I have tutorials I will share a link to my Yt if I have Dev logs I’m can good working in teams you can see soon on my Yt channel


  • 1,5 year scripting basic (October 2022)
  • 1,6 year building in may 2 years (may 2022)
  • 1 year ui design (October 2022)
  • 1 year tumbnail design (October 2022)


Im can work if I have time on this moment I do short jobs within Roblox studio because I will in the weekend when I can work in studio will I work on my own games so I can do on mobile all the days I can
  • make a description for your game
    • I play the game first then some words what describe the game I set in the description as you made an example business tycoon and you can build an hq for your business I set it in the description so you search hq it must sall find your game but Roblox search engine is bad but I take my best
  • make tumbnails for your game

    • I make screens from your game and set text by it and shapes to make it good you can sent me images for it
  • Ui jobs

    • Make some ui design for you only quick jobs from 2 weeks
  • Translating

    • Translating your experiences in Dutch
  • I translate your experiences

archievments and goals

  • My archievments
    • have more then 1k visits on my game happy obbies
    • earn with my game
  • my goals
    • have a popular group and games
    • saving to buy some group ranks

:information_source: info|:euro: payment| :briefcase:jobs| :left_speech_bubble:reactions| :speech_balloon:contact|employees parcle games


How you pay me first I have some prices for the job
You can find my prices here

You pay me in my payment place I made you pay me if I have done the job if I not done the job you don’t pay me I don’t do paying before because idk or I can complete it

I take no jobs for horror games or bloody games or devil games and not wierd games like skibi toilet or things


translating R$
Per page 20 strings 5
If page have not 20 strings
< 10 strings on page 0
> 10 strings per page 2
> 15 strings per page 3
Products pases and names and short description 2
Images to translate 15
Long description 10

(game) descriptions R$
Description small 20
Description medium 50
Description large 80
(Ui/graphic) Designs R$
game icons show on the game page (each) 50
Game thumbnails (new grids - first thumbnail) 80
Thumbnails 60
Logo,s 10 (each object it contains) + 5-50 (depending on how difficult it is
Logos for passes or badges 20
Ui tasks(each main frame) 200 (including tax)
*prices are inclusive tax and you may discuss about the price I do the work first and give it to you if you paid me I only accept payment after I did the work

:information_source: info|:euro: payment| :briefcase:jobs| :left_speech_bubble:reactions| :speech_balloon:contact|employees parcle games

Current job|work history|tumbs| commisions|translate| game jams

jobs header

textplay button parallel
Byunv game spacejob tag

Let’s we start this page with my current job

I have now two businesses for parcle games my own group and unviere (games) start up with the connect 23 game jam therefore I make a game called paralleized engineers

gap gap gap
our video submission for the connect 2023 game jam
gap gap gap
gap gap gap
parallelized engineers ui system v3 (there come a v4)
gap gap gap

gap gap gap

about Parallelized engineers and unviere

gap gap gap

how this became my current job
gap gap gap

how became this my current job

gap gap gap

game jam

It all started with one game jam on connect 2023 me and other guys where searching for a team that be honest so I asked of they can join later they invited @0Shank which reply I didn’t see so he joined the team I was a solo Dev before so we made this game parallelized engineers and we would develop the game further after the game jam


So we developed the game and it grows out to a business we needed to find a name first it was game masters studio but something similar already exists then I found a name that not was exist however after a few mounts it looks like it exists so we came up with unviere what came from the building system place parallel unviere round based system a place to develop that system


Well now we have alot future plans for the game and the business I can’t list them all cuz it is secret but one thing I will do is make two yts one where employees can post vids and one for the games like Dev logs for specific updates and game trailers and the video submissions

gap gap gap


gap gap gap



Old screenshots

Current job|work history|tumbs| commisions|translate| game jams

Pijnacker v1| happy Obbies

Pijnacker V1 job tag

textplay button

I have made with friends

I made alot of models here here my models

Png (6)Png (7)Png (4)Png (5)

Pijnacker v1| happy Obbies

my first selfmade game owner tag

textplay button



jobs header|work history|badges/thumbs header| comision header|translation header| game jam header

badges/thumbs header

I make tumbnails with Canva I can do it for your game
And logo,s for passes or your game or badges

This my tumbnails and badged I made


Roblox developing challenge


newest first


and the rest is history

my old thumbnails

Png (2)











Current job|work history|tumbs| commisions|translate| game jams

comiss header

1. badge order :robux_gold: payment state label

I have fix a badge system order what was in the frong order I made a script for it to set the badges in the correct order

Commission for @reeceyboys02(SubTheSourGamer - Roblox) I’m doing this job for a game from a group

Current job|work history|tumbs| commisions|translate| game jams

translation header

I translate experiences in Dutch I have translated paralleized engineers (the parallel universes) and happy obbies

Current job|work history|tumbs| commisions|translate| game jams

game jams header

With unviere we developing games with Roblox game jams

Roblox developing challenge 24_20240128_153902_0000|6 100x100

:information_source: info|:euro: payment| :briefcase:jobs| :left_speech_bubble:reactions| :speech_balloon:contact|employees parcle games

what those for who I have worked says

On this page you find feedback from those for who I have worked if I work for you you can say what you find from my work and I place it here

:information_source: info|:euro: payment| :briefcase:jobs| :left_speech_bubble:reactions| :speech_balloon:contact|employees parcle games


How you can contact me

800px-Gmail_icon_(2020).svgnoFilter (2) (Dev forum) • 636e0a6a49cf127bf92de1e2_icon_clyde_blurple_RGB (@foodeggs_7)

Or invite me on talent hub

:information_source: info|:euro: payment| :briefcase:jobs| :left_speech_bubble:reactions| :speech_balloon:contact|employees parcle games

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working for parcle games

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  • A scripter
  • A builder

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It was great working with foo, he was a fast learner willing to learn UI design principles and scripting concepts on the fly during game jams. Overall, I think he is an adapatable team member.

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