Open player's backpack with a button

is it possible to open the player’s backpack ui with a button?

I don’t think so. I think that because the backpack UI is CoreGui and CoreGui cant be indexed by a LocalScript due to its ContextLevel.

I suggest trying to implement a custom backpack.


How do you exactly mean? Do you mean opening the backpack gui with a press of a button on your keyboard? If thats the case, just press `

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no, with a textbutton and a local script inside of it, but looks like it’s not possible

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If the actual Backpack GUI has an actual term then yes, assuming that. But for now you’d have better chances of asking a Roblox engineer on what the correct variable is for the backpack, or go through the trouble of making it yourself.

So you’re trying to make the backpack icon(ImageButton) an TextButton?

You would have to fire it from a remotefunction but i do not know exactly how since its a core UI

And as you stated, @Frisc_C, regular Roblox users can’t find what the variable term for a CoreUI is, as they haven’t got access to the MasterGUI of Roblox’s games. (I think I made up the term “MasterGUI”, but it references the Chat, PlayerList and TopBar)

He can set off the backpack CoreUI and make his own, and function it from a button. Thats way easier

They dont give us much access to the bar cause if they did we can delete the leave button and they would be stuck in for a while

  1. Yes, but the trouble is he doesn’t know what the name of the BackpackGui is, and as there isn’t an option to alter it, can’t solve the issue.

  2. They could just press Alt+F4 or the X button :laughing:.

It is opened with the press of a backtick (`), which is the button usually above Tab on a standard keyboard.

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so, i think you can disable backpack coregui and make a custom backpack


Technically “~” or " ` " (both are on the same key for me) opens backpack already, in that sense, yes. If you mean custom key, then no.

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