[OPEN] Portfolio | Intermediate/Advanced Clothing Designer

Salutations! My name is Lexi, and I’m a Clothing Designer. I have been designing for about a year and a half now, and am ready to be hired or either start commissions!

I have worked at groups like..

The Supreme Closet (Coven) The Supreme's Clọset - Roblox
x V i b e x angelify ! - Roblox
The Playground LA The Playground LA - Roblox

Below are some examples of my work. I mostly do all genres of clothing.

Below are some examples!


I am available 5-12 hours a weekdays/weekends. I will most likely will check devforum often, but discord will be limited to 3 hours a day.

Prices are negotiable, I do not accept anything 200 below my set price.

Prices are below!

Skirt: 300-400
Pants: 700-900
Shirt: 1k-2k
Coat: 700-800
Full Outfit: 2k-3k

You can contact me here on the Developer Forum (@lxstfuII) or Discord (hello.kitty#0361).

Thanks you for visiting! If you have any questions or concerns, reply below, or in private messages. Have a nice day/night!


hey! it seems as if your discord isn’t working
try adding me:


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Ok! Mine is hello.kitty#0361, by the way.

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I sent a friend request. Just waiting to be accepted.

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I am interested. sent a request

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Alrighty, what is your discord user?

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