About Me
Hey, I am visvisjes and I am a developer on roblox for several years now. I can do a bit of everything but I try to focus on scripting and UI design.
Public Games
here are my current games that are public at the moment
welcome to visvisjes profile - Roblox
ROBLOX game chooser - Roblox
Switch - Roblox
Games I am working on
These games aren’t done yet but where I am currently working and where I shared some details of
here are some jobs I have completed for other people
Where is the button?
Where is the button game
scripted the whole game and made the UI
Wheres the button? - Roblox
Intro Screen
Intro screen
iMessage system
iMessage system like on mac where you can send messages cross server to other people. The messages will also be saved and when you join the game and you got a message while you were not there it will also be shown.
Throwing tool
A throwing tool that will stun a player for 3 seconds. The tool can only be thrown for a set of studs
Some of my GFX work made in blender
Blender animation: Official Where's The Button trailer [ROBLOX] - YouTube
Some other work
I am Co-owner and developer of Mysterious Studios
Mysterious Studios! - Roblox
I am a tester and translator at Crystal studios
Crystal Studios Team - Roblox
I was a scripter at Snazzy Devs
Snazzy Devs Official Group - Roblox
Just send me a DM and I will contact you back if I am available or not.
Prices are negotiable, My preferred payment method is Robux. I would rather be paid via gamepass/shirts or group payouts. I will also accept game percentage if I see potential in the game.
if you want to pay me, you can do it in this place everything is straight forward there
You can contact me here on the Developer Forum
Thanks for reading!