not rn3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
You’re prices are too low. Like in game main script for 2k ??? It should it least be 10k in my opinion
I’m not in it for the money, more for experience.
I’ll adjust my price ranges to be better in the future, though.
I sent a freind req, JamieBot#2069
After a long break, I’ve decided to reopen commissions.
Looking for any commission paying 1-2k robux, but i’m open to negotiation.
Terms of Service have been updated.
Every developer has their limits on what they can and can’t do and honestly if you’re an advanced scripter your current prices are good.
Good luck with finding buyers my friend.
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revamped portfolio looking for work
I just sent you a friend request on Discord
Ghosted after giving a budget, quite weird, can’t say what was the reason