[Open] Programmer for hire!

My name is Cosmog(Not actually)

and I have finally returned to Roblox, I have taken a LONG break from Roblox due to my account becoming compromised more than once in a span of 6 months, losing Dominuses, Limiteds, Robux… :neutral_face: I have come back with a lot more knowledge than when I first joined the developer community, reaching astounding heights and dedicating a whole bunch of time to Programming, finally with my return I have decided to try and regain some of my Robux by completing Commissions/Working as a Full-Time Developer, as of right now I do not have a Developer portfolio but I do not mind going through a test or a check to see if I am qualified! If you are interested in contacting me please head to my Discord Account, Cosmog#0110.

Man that must really suck! Honestly, I was just wondering where part 3 of your logo tutorial is XD

In all seriousness, Roblox usually gets annoying after awhile. It’s not one of those “play every day” games. In all honesty, I’ve never had a Dominus or limited (other than gucci) before… I can’t imagine how sad I would be to lose a flippin’ Dominus dude


yeah, it was painful… what can you do tho? not much :frowning:

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