[OPEN] Quality Clothes + is looking for clothing designer

About Us

Hello! We are " Quality Clothes + " a fairly new clothing group. We need a clothing designers to stay working for us!

We are a small company that we are evolving with time!

This is our group: https://www.roblox.com/groups/7998857/Quality-Clothes#!/about

About The Job

We are looking for a clothing designer who has experience.


  • Payment is negotiable*
    5 to 20 robux for clothes made!

Contact Us

You can talk to me through the forum or my discord. Apelidosnoob#2574
You must be 13 or older to apply

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People wont accept 5 through 20 robux as payment. Most clothing designers go for 50-150 as payment…

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I agree with her this payment is too low but I am interested if u make the payment higher contact me on discord pls Discord: Emmaplays#4301
or via devforum

I am interested contact me
discord- MizzshazzyYT#4728

I’m interested contact me discord NayLynatica#4107