Hi There! We are Catalyst Development! We are an upcoming game development team, which as of now only consists of me, but we are looking to expand, and hire a team of professional and talented individuals.
The Team @iFrost_ed- Found/UI/UX/Building/Marketing @CouldBeYou- Programmer @CouldBeYou- Graphic Designer
About The Jobs
As the Programmer you must be able to complete the following tasks:
-Fully working pet system(Inventory,Hatching,Evolving,Etc.)
-Shop (Such as Ninja Legends, or Saber Simulator)
-Daily Rewards(Collectible chests every 24 hours)
-Core Mechanics (Will be explained in DM’s/Once Hired)
Of course there will be more, but that is still to be determined in the future.
Graphic Designer
As the Graphic Designer you must be able to complete the following tasks:
-Advertisements that will stand out
-New game logos, and thumbnails for updates
As of now we are paying in percents, I will receive 45%, the Graphic Designer will receive 5% and the Programmer will Receive 50%
Backup Payment:
I’m going to be running close to 250k on release on sponsors, ads, etc.
I won’t run them all in one day, so if the game initially fails on release I will be distributing the following payment to the team:
Programmer: 75k
Graphic Designer: 25k for each thumbnail + 10k For the Logo
Contact Us
You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or via Discord at Agro#6413
You must be 15 years or older to apply.
I do not chat through discord, this is a really good way. On DevForum, all messages are moderated so no one can get scammed. Message me via DevForum if you’re interested in hiring me,