[Open] R15 animator for hire


Hi, I am an animator. I have played Roblox since 2016 which is 4 years and I have made animations for more than 1 year. I have worked for Hi-Pixel Studio as an animator for their upcoming game “Bomb Simulator”. I am not the best one, but I am sure a decent animator. I start doing animations because I am poor. :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face:

Here are some example of my works:


For now, I got to school, so the time that I can work is mostly at night, but usually, I can work about 3+ hours a day unless tests or big projects.


We can discuss prices, I can take Paypal, e-transfer, funds, and t-shirts (include taxes)


Developer Forum: @proudjake20omg
Discord: iiSnowii#2282
Email: iisnowiidev@gmail.com