[OPEN] Raki /3D Modeler/


Hi, welcome to my portfolio. My name is Daniel, but I’m better known as Raki. I’m from Spain, and I specialize in 3D modeling. I’m currently studying a vocational course in microcomputer systems, as one of the career paths this program offers is in video game development.


I’m currently 18 years old.

My journey as a developer on this platform began when I participated in a challenge on the developer forum of my community the Spanish community around July 2021. From that moment, I started taking part in more challenges from other communities, and I became increasingly interested in 3D modeling. To this day, I continue improving every single day.

I have a flaw: I’m very stubborn, and I always want to do everything I create in the best possible way, striving for perfection (in my own style). My current dream is to attend the Developers Conference (RDC) in 2025…:cloud:

International 🌐

Test Work.

Test Availability.

Test Payment.



Discord rakideivi


Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:
(The portfolio is not finished yet)

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