Roblox Inspire 2024 Challenge

Fire TV Has a YouTube app which also supports lives so if you just search it up you can play it straight from your Fire TV which automatically plays the highest resolution supported on your Fire TV.

Yeah but is there an alternative to watch the stream. Maybe I can log into the website from the tv browser?

We’re going live in 5 minutes! Tune in! Inspire 2024 - Event | Roblox Creator Events


That was an awesome ending ceremony!

Congratulations to everyone who won and participated. Everyone did a great job, regardless of their placement


The event was crazy!

I dont know if i took any place, cause the stream kinda lagged for me and my earphones didint work, but congrats to all the people who won!


Hello Creators! @Game-Jammers

The moment you’ve all been waiting for :drum::drum::drum:

The Inspire 2024 Challenge Winners :mega:

:scroll: Best Technical Quality :scroll:

  1. :1st_place_medal: Space Calamity created by IxarWasTaken, DunJosh2000, Transformoule, daymoon03 and AndreyMenshikov

  2. :2nd_place_medal: You Have All The Time In The World created by CodinGlitch, DevSersponge, 723642767, Vulpany and rr_ome

  3. :3rd_place_medal: Oblivion created by DJSANTS, EnderWinn, ryyan3940, alphh_100, thmaximo

:brain: Most Creative Game Concept :brain:

  1. :1st_place_medal: Forward created by BurnedCone, kamoex3, Renssur, Afoxbox and CVLM250

  2. :2nd_place_medal: Loop created by Superr_Z, Ali19120, Nadgob1, Makerbenjammin6, Librirox

  3. :3rd_place_medal: Time Inspire 2024 created by geedcat, McSharkx, aUseless_Scout, mr_Y4s4friquan, XarukoDreemurr

:dart: Most Engaging Experience :dart:

  1. :1st_place_medal: A Close Call created by GlibDuke, sean21307, Avallachi, RZKU, Avengineering

  2. :2nd_place_medal: Hourglass created by ItzMrRatsP, Imaourdefender2, Biguniverses, sethomax, stefano_css

  3. :3rd_place_medal: Ascend created by ItzVaksi, crixyz0, Userr_Arash and ZachDevz

:video_camera: Best Video Trailer :video_camera:

  1. :1st_place_medal: Fading Seconds created by Doninoobsh, TheRobloxProffe, WiryReally, Alesha228337, AndrewTSR

  2. :2nd_place_medal: Carpe Diem created by mutrix and papabos

  3. :3rd_place_medal: Chronophobia created by notswagale, framedimage, shaddxe, davy_tornato and Aexgamer48

:globe_with_meridians: Global Citizenship Award :globe_with_meridians:

  1. :1st_place_medal: Neohex created by Lugical, suipr, wisenful and hehnree

  2. :2nd_place_medal: Tempus created by TeequisOficial, Kx_Ofc, FeniksOfTomb, Nicolas6116AL and stardogtoddy

  3. :3rd_place_medal: Tick Tock created by dirtydawg101, madosukizzz, Raki3dd, thom463s and Cadu2132

And now it’s time to introduce :shushing_face:

:fire: The Grand Prize Winner :fire:

Congrats to Party Crash created by Skarletbun, Zomebody, Sulkre and Sheenyo for winning a trip to RDC! We look forward to seeing you there :partying_face:

Congratulations to our winners :clap:! Winners will receive messages shortly with further information. We will also be sending out the DevRel Prize Series to participants soon.

If you took part in Inspire 2024, we’d love to hear your thoughts! Please share your thoughts with us in this form here~

It was absolutely amazing to see all your wonderful experiences! Thank you all for participating and see you next year :confetti_ball:!

Developer Engagement Team


Congrats everyone, See yall next year!

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Rest in peace closure | fangs and ferns | time management :pray:

Stand proud, you are strong


:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Thank you to everyone who participated in the event, it was an honor to receive the :2nd_place_medal: 2nd place award with our game Tempus :clock3:


This was a very good game jam, congrats to everyone who participated :pray: see you guys on the next one


Congratulations to everyone who participated, We got 3rd On Trailer, but next year we will make it even better!


Glad that we won 2nd place, we spent alot of time on this game! thanks for this awsome event.


Congrats everyone! Good luck next year!

Could we have a solo dev category next year? Was hell trying to make this all by myself in 72 hours.


Congratulations to all to participated, can’t wait to see you all next time!

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Was great, those games that won or even got 3rd where way too good to be made in 3 days, nice job

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Congrats guys, I didn’t expect to win… :sweat_smile: see you in the next game game!

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I’m on this list :grin:Check out our entry A Close Call - Roblox


i can’t believe we won!!! congratulations to all the participants! even though the game jam is over, i will probably continue to (slowly) review the games in the spreadsheet


Our team was in shock hearing our project called out near the very end. Congrats to everyone who won, and good job to everyone on getting a game in time! As a dev-team that didn’t make the deadline previously in prior competitions, it feels full circle right now <3

Check out our 1st place entry, Neohex!


We placed third place in the global citizenship award category! Our team did some really great stuff, I’m glad we’re up on the board.