[Open] [Recruitment/Buying)

Hey Developers, I’m here today in hopes of finding a reliable, trusting, and most importantly honest people. I am working on an MMORPG which in my eyes can be the one of the top games in the Roblox community! IF and only IF I can manage to get the proper assets I need to complete my scripting process.

I am 22 years of age, and I’ve been programming for nearly 12 years now. I originated my programming experience with Java and a little bit of early html/php/javascript. Made a ton of progress on learning the core concepts of data structures, and basic knowledge on how to create efficient algorithms. I later enrolled into college as a computer science student and was later then introduced to
C++ which now i have 4 years of experience in. But during this time i also picked up C# When i started to create some server/client frameworks of my own for school capstone project to learn more about networking/data transfer/and just a lot more about game design and what goes into making a proper game.

I don’t really have a full fledged team just yet which is why i’m coming to the dev-forums!

What I am looking to get out of anyone willing to join or do some paid jobs on the following:
Particles for spells (maximum 40-100 USD) for particle packs or lower for individual
terrain and map creation (anywhere from 20 USD - 200 USD)
monster modeler (Only people who use blender to build please) not to sure about prices here.

If you are looking to join in on the project for a future % cut feel free to message me saying you’re not interested in a payment.

So finally the fun part, my project!

My project is going to and MMORPG similar to most common games like WoW and Runescape 3
What i aim to achieve in this project:

  • Quality appearances including Character Model (already paid and rigged animated with idle/run right now)
  • Character Armors/Clothing/and Textures
  • The Terrain
  • Quality GUI’s
  • Top notch programming structure to control large portions of the game in single areas with remote access at any time for any player give a plr.id of course.
  • Most importantly, create an honest environment with group of dedicated Roblox community developers.

Heres some small amounts of media


This doesn’t begin to show the picture of the game i have in my head. I really need to get a team going.
I’ve already invested over 250 USD into this.

Feel free to reach out to me on discord at
I can provide media there if you would like to see some sample scripts of what I can do.



Hey, I am just wondering about the style of the game, will it be cartoon looking or realistic? Because I have a good knowledge in landscaping and building maps and builders need to know more about the style of the game. So if you can please provide more information about it, that would be appreciated!

Absolutely! In terms of the map I am looking for something similar to this:

You can get creative with the details but the general idea of the map layout is as followed:
The first image is the grand layout but the second image circled shows the starter area.

The 3 circles you see at the center is the general idea of where the players will initially spawn

This is the general feel of the game, maybe a little be more high detailed to match the character which is the last image


Mind you i don’t speak the language in the video nor do i understand it but it captures a nice bit
of the start

I’ve been getting a lot of the same questions so I feel the need to post the question and answer here!

Question: What kind of particles are you looking for?

This is one of the skills i’m using I plan to make this open around level 19 or 29

I need some normal skills with not to many crazy effects but ones that feel nice.

want some similar to the style in this video (most of the casts and hits on monsters)

Doesn’t have to look exactly like it, but maybe something relatively similar… In terms of having a casting graphics a launch projectile (possibly if needed since some of the video spells dont have one) and a hit graphics. That is the general idea of what I want from particle creators.

I have put 1.4k USD into my game.
I have extra assets I’ll sell to you that are already ready. Just DM me on discord. My discord name and tag is: ScriptreMooCow#7926

Thanks I’ve contacted you, hope it goes well!

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Really in need of “power creators” “Magic spell creators” or Particle creators, which ever term you prefer to be know as.

Need people who can make things like this but not limited to this design…


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I’m in need of a scripter that’s able to work with particle effects and create magic spells with an accompanying animation. This project is Fantasy/RPG similar to WoW, Fly For Fun, and Perfect World

Position still available? Mostly Terrain.

I have a couple assets and a map, I could sell to you such as environmental designs. We can discuss more on prices or percentage. Really love the project and really can see you’re talented my discord is GOD#0841

I’ve messaged you on discord, feel free to hmu. I believe we talked before.

Terrain position may be filled but if you have some work to show me maybe you and the other guy can talk together see if you can match each others styles. But first discord message me some previous terrains you’ve built.

Still looking for a quality terrain builder. Willing to pay if needed. Budget for entire terrain is around 450-500$. Am only looking to purchase 1 island for now. Looking to spend 70-100$ on this island.

Hi I’m Terrain developer.
My discord tag is: Rudy_Dev#4578

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Added your discord feel free to pm me at any time. I’m in EST Time zone. 4:34 pm as of right now.

I am looking for VFX Creators to make skills similar to this kinda style (launch/impact)


I am willing to pay upwards of 70$ for a good pack of them.

I am also looking for an animator to create some animations for my rigged monsters.

I found a terrain builder and a modeler who are on board the team. We need someone who’s good with VFX though.

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