[OPEN] Russian Translator / Localization Services | Alonur

Portfolio in text format

My name is Alonur, and I want to help you with localization of your games into Russian


  • More players in the game
  • The global community
  • Increased monetization

WHY ME :grey_question:

  • Russian is my native language.
  • I always check my translations for accuracy and grammar.
  • I have low prices, so that many developers can afford the translation.
  • I always do my job on time.

EXPERIENCE :briefcase:

CONTACT :telephone_receiver:
You can contact me:
Developer Forum (private messages)

PAYMENT :heavy_dollar_sign:
The price for one cell is 50 :robux_gold:


Alonur helped me to translate :meat_on_bone: Ham’s Difficulty Chart Obby, I must say I am highly impressed with his works! He got the translations done within a day and works professionally. Highly recommend him to anyone whos looking for a Russian translator. :+1:

Alonur was a pleasure to work with. They were quick to respond, and I would recommend them to anybody that is looking for a Russian translator.

Alonur did an amazing job translating LundstrongOrders. Thanks to him, I’ve been able to bring our FOSS (Free Open Source) software to the Russian Community!