[Open] SCPF Builder for hire - BurntMolecule's Portfolio

About Me

Hi, im BurntMolecule, preferably just Burnt. I’m mainly a Builder who has been around the platform in one account or another for well over 5-6 years now, Just now getting back into development! My main style is for SCPFs and groups with similar styles to SCPF groups, But I can do any style or theme for a build if needed, SCPF builds are just what I’m most comfortable with.

I’m currently skilled in/learning:

  • Building - 4 Years, After a long time building I’m finally proud of my work.
  • Some limited in-studio modeling, currently learning more complex builds! Might try blender at some point.
  • Community Management and or Moderation - 3 Years, Mostly as an HR in multiple groups.
  • Map layout
  • Terrain - Still learning!


Some of my better work: (Mostly newer work or some particularly high-effort tests)

[Some builds may be old, or not finished]
[More images of my builds can be given upon request]


  • 3-6 Hours Weekdays
  • 6-8 Hours Weekends

Times may vary, but im almost always available on platforms such as discord.


I accept payment in Robux and USD with the following payment contracts.

  • Percentage
  • Payment by work done
  • Payment per week / month


You can contact me on the following sites/platforms:
Please do not contact me for hiring and other related topics elsewhere.

  • DevForum/Talent Hub
  • Discord (burnt3779)

Other links: