LordOfLuxury: Experienced Programmer, Game Designer & Animator

Here is some of my programming and animation work.



1st place winner in WhereIsMyShirt’s 4-hour game jam


Game created in about 4 days as a challenge (sorry for my Discord ping sounds, they’re not yours lol)


ClueRo played by YouTube channel with ~3,000,000 subscribers: https://youtu.be/oCVetpgAiAc


(My apologies for the poor resolution on this one) V

(Old version)

Complex dialogue system


A custom-made grid-based A* pathfinding system


Air takedowns

Over cover takedown


Short animations made in studio




You can contact me at any time. My timezone is Eastern Standard Time. The best way to contact me is via Discord @ curdis.

Thank you for considering me, and I look forward to hopefully working with you soon!


Wow! Your works are incredible! I might contact you soon. Keep it up! :grinning:

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Commissions are now re-opened.

You only do short commissions? I need a programmer for a game. Also, would you take percent?

Amazing work I must say too bad you don’t specialize in guns and have no interest in long term jobs.

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I have collaborated with LordOfLuxury in the past, and I have found that his work tends to be thorough and advanced. As long as you communicate well with him, you should get what you are looking for.


I sent you friend request on discord. Er1k#7026

My services are now available for long term projects!

I am more than interested for your work as a scripter! However, your Discord tag does not work.
EDIT: It works now.

Awe shucks, I wish I could’ve found you earlier!

Hope you’ll be open for some more development group work in the future, but keep up the great work man! :+1:

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can you script a whole clicking game from start to finish

Bro. He is not a type of guy who would just work for some clickbait-y game for no reason. And he is very talented so he probably wouldn’t waste his talent on those types of game.