[Open] Scripting a pet system

Why us?

Now my group is only a small group and we are in need of this script as soon as possible so we can grow. I hope you can help us in our future by making this pet system.


The Job In Detail

  • We’re in need of pet store UI were you can buy a pet and it follows you by floating behind your head at on offset on x axis. So it will hover close to your ear but still quite far away.

  • The pets will be required to be customizable (meaning we can add pets, change values, etc)

  • I do not want free model cubic dogs and cats I will provide the models that I want as ‘pets’

  • The pets will be SCPF based meaning you will have SCPs as pets.

  • The pets will provide the user with a health boost and income boost (DO NOT MAKE IT A REMOTE EVENT) I need there to be a chance of the pets to heal the user randomly (so every 1-5 minute (depending on the pet rarity) there is a percentage of chance to be healed)

  • This UI shop needs to have an inventory and be compatible with my current currency system.

  • We need there to be gamepasses of all the pets.

  • Only one pet should be equipable at a time.

(p.s: i may change some of the things needed)

This game will need this system as soon as possible and has the deadline of 5 days (if you take this job.)



Payment is expected to be 500-1000, this will be negotiable
We can also do in game perks / existing tools.



You must be 13 years or older to apply.

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