Open-Source Cartoony UI Pack

Hello! Iโ€™m releasing an Open-Source cartoony UI Pack in celebration of my recent rebrand. Everything in this pack is made by me, including the icons. You are free to use these in all your games, however crediting me is greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

You can download the UI Pack here:

Here is a picture of the UI Pack


That is really cool! I love it!

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prettyy nice! really like it!.

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Thats beautiful! May I ask, how do I import this into roblox studio?

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This is really clean! UI like this is worth like 5,000 Robux!
Great that youโ€™re helping out the Roblox developer community by open sourcing this UI pack.


Veryy cool! How do I put it in Roblox studio?

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You will need to export the items in the svg file into a png, you can do this with any free app that reads svg files, such as Adobe XD


Thanks so much for this contribution it looks really nice!

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Looks great! I love the abstract shape of it. Thanks and great job!

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Looks pretty cool! I especially like how dynamic the lower layer of the GUI looks.

May I ask how to do I get it out of Google Drive?

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You have to download it from the google drive

Was this made all in studio or from something else like photoshop?

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It was made with Affinity Designer

I already figured it out. Lol.

Is there a wat to go about changing the colors? Great UI thanks for making it free!

yes, I believe you can change the color in a program that can open .svg

This is very good for those who cannot pay for a good UI designer. Thank you for sharing, keep up the good work!

Sorry I am not here to bump out the topic but could you please tell me or link me the font?

i think it was axis, its been a while since i made this. You should use gotham black instead tho