[OPEN SOURCE] Easy Dialogue System

  • LAST UPDATED: July 11, 2024

Hey DevForum!

I’ve recently been working on a dialogue system for my game and decided to create an open-source version of it. This version isn’t intended for the final game, but it’s still useful and can be easily improved and learned from.


  1. Get the model [ https://create.roblox.com/store/asset/18419395844 ]

  2. Insert the model into your place and put the Dialogue ScreenGui in StarterGui.

  3. Create characters (or anything else that supports ProximityPrompts, even brick walls :brick: ) and name them whatever you want - make sure the names don’t repeat

  4. Add ProximityPrompts in your characters
    or brick walls :brick:

  5. Enter the Data ModuleScript:

  6. Within the Data ModuleScript, insert dialogues for your characters and adjust their settings. Ensure that YourCharacterName is replaced with the actual name of the desired character.

  7. Done. :confetti_ball: - It should look something like this:

EXTRA: Additional settings can be found in the Program (main code) LocalScript, though these settings are less important.

  • If you run into any issues, please let me know and I’ll help you out.


  • Specified KeyCode press to continue (fully navigated by the player)

  • Lag-independent - ensures the dialogue remains the same on low FPS devices, even the TypeWriter effect flow

  • Does not break upon death

  • One dialogue at a time

  • Easily customizable and modifiable

  • Somewhat readable code (it might be a bit messy, but you’ll get used to it quickly)

  • Easy to set up (mostly automated and beginner-friendly)

  • Fast and attention-span friendly (perfect for recovering TikTok addicts) :brain:

  • Additional code that executes at the end of a dialogue - perfect for animations, sound effects, key game events, and more.

If you have any ideas for my upcoming free resources, please write them down. I might publish some of them. :wink:


It doesn’t seem to work for me, wish it did, looks cool though!

Hey there,

I’m sorry to hear that you’re having issues. I tested the model myself again, and it works perfectly fine for me.

Please check the following:

  • Make sure the Dialogue ScreenGui (step 2) is placed in StarterGui.
  • Make sure the character isn’t being replaced, renamed, or deleted by any other script.
  • Check your output; maybe there’s an error I can help you solve.

If these solutions don’t work, please save your place to a file and send it here. I will see what is wrong.

Meanwhile, you can download this place and use the system integrated into it:

beetle.rbxl (74.2 KB)

Came for dialog, stayed for disco party.

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Objectively the best part :moyai:

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I ended up making my own shortly after having trouble with yours, thank you though! it was probably user error honestly, but mine works really well! it uses hash codes for each alphabet character / special characters to make sure each character is “pronounced” the same when displayed, and supports animations to play per line, sound to play per line, volume changes per line, color changes per line, speed changes per line, and I plan to eventually add code execution per line, but for now I’m happy with where it is!

I hope you continue your project though! seems really interesting and is a great resource for beginner developers for sure!