Open source infinite city generator

So i made an infinite city generator, and made it open source for anyone to use.

Here is a link to a uncopylocked game containing it It is by far means not the best, but it will do the work for you.


  • Anyone can modify stuff like render distance without scripting knowledge
  • Easy to modify roads / buildings
  • Ok performance, not too lagy. The lag depends on the render distance, in the example place it is quite high, 32

How to use

You don’t need to do anything for it to work.
But if you want to adjust some things there is a detailed script explaining how to change different settings. Its in workspace and its named “How to use”

That should be everything you need to know. Let me know in the replies if you want me to better explain something about it.

Also, i will maybe be updating it from time to time, like adding new features.


Wow this is amazing! one problem though, it doesn’t appear to be uncopylocked. Is it uncopylocked and it’s bugged or did you lock it again?

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Weird, it should be fixed now at least

It’s uncopylocked now, thanks so much for this!


halloweentime.rbxm (47.9 KB) I know your not going to add it, but if you do, cool, i made the map, halloweeny, it is for the main game, just wondering what it would play like.


Hello :slight_smile: Thank you for the assets, but can you update the post with a video or something showing this in action!

you can also just join the game using the link in the description to see it working live

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