[Open Source] Laser Beam Effect

Usually, people just use a Neon material on a cylinder and call it a laser.
That can work for cartoon style games, but what if you want something more real?

Some people use a rapid fire ParticleEmitter with .LockedToPart, but that’s pretty costly since you’re making tons of particles.

So I decided to make my own, and as always, I’m giving it away. However, this is in #help-and-feedback:cool-creations and not #resources:community-resources, because it requires you to have certain lighting settings that might interfere with your game. I felt that since it isn’t easily applicable to all games, it’s just a cool creation I’m sharing and not a resource.

(Looks a tiny smidgen different than what you might end up with because I have saturation and contrast turned up a bit)

This turret’s laser uses 2 Attachments and a single Beam, with the texture being something that I scribbled in paint .net in under 60 seconds:


The key? LightEmission and BloomEffect.
That’s why I scribbled a lighter line in the center of my texture. That’s what makes it glow and pop!

Here are the Beam Properties. (I typed them up by hand so you can copy+paste instead of reading them off a screenshot. You're welcome!)
Color = 255,255,255
LightEmission = 1
LightInfluence = 0
Texture = Upload the image I gave you above
TextureLength = 19
TextureMode = Static
TextureSpeed = 15
Transparency = 0
FaceCamera = true
Segments = 1
Width0 = 1.5
Width1 = 1.5

When placed in a default Baseplate, it looks like this:

But once you add the BloomEffect to Lighting:

BloomEffect Properties
Color = 255,255,255
Intensity = 2
Size = 56
Threshold = 0.8

Most realistic style places already have a BloomEffect similar to this one, so hopefully many of you get to benefit from this!

Enjoying my work? I love to create and share with the community, for free.

If you’d like to help fund my work, consider sponsoring me on GitHub or donating on BuyMeACoffee!


The beam looks awesome, you did a great job :smiley:


I really love the honesty :joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat:


Yup! My point was to highlight that an effect like this is more about the trial and error of tweaking settings than it is about having a fancy texture.


This looks amazing!! Keep up the amazing work!

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Looks amazing, yet so simple to do!
Sometimes I just can’t believe how simple things are, and how complicated I made them!


TYSM It looks fantastic! I love your amazing works I really appreciate it!