Hello, recently i made an Music Player for my game, but sadly game stopped being developed and i want to give everyone my Music Player i made
It’s easy to add/delete song in music list
local Music = {
It’s have a good GUI design (i hope so), shows Loudness of the music, Player who published music, and music name, able to pause and resume.
Showcase of how it’s works
The model
hope you’ll like it
July 25, 2020, 1:32am
Love it! Going to use it in my game.
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Thanks you for loving it, cool to see that’s someone likes my works!
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July 25, 2020, 2:38am
Nice contribution, it’s always good to see people being generous with their creations.
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July 25, 2020, 2:40am
Very cool! Is there any simple way to change how the GUI looks to match a games theme?
no, but i’m planning to remake it so people can easily edit the gui
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Hi! I think you should mention in your post that when adding the gui, you also need to place a sound thingy (is it an instance? idk) named “Music” , else you get an error.
Also, a cool feature might be that the player could change the volume of the song too.
Thanks for this awesome thing!