[Open Source] RoBeats (Rhythm Game) Custom Server Template

Are you a fan of rhythm games and want to make your own on Roblox?
We’re open-sourcing our rhythm game engine with tools and additional code to make it easy!

Check out this Un-copylocked place!





  • 100% Free and open source to do anything you want with.
  • Polished game engine that tons of players are familiar with.
  • Includes code/menus for browsing song selection.
  • Includes datastore code for saving settings and viewing recent plays - zero setup!
  • Includes an easy one-step hook to start selling your game pass (and get paid for your work!!).


Like Rojo? Use it!

A community-made video on how to get started (a bit out of date, but most stuff still applies).

Success stories:

There are a bunch of popular youtube videos playing games made with this template:

Let me know if you use this stuff (or find it helpful for learning). Cheers!

Update 3/24/2022:
With the recent audio permission changes, the included audio (Monday Night Monsters) won’t work by default until you upload it yourself and add the relevant permissions.
File is available to download here: [Open Source] RoBeats (Rhythm Game) Custom Server Template - #20 by spotco


The big city, the place- wait this isn’t the city, this is an open source!

Jokes aside, I can’t wait to see what will happen when a lot more people try to create custom servers, it will be a blast!


Oo, that really is an awesome game, so cool for you to open source it!

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Omg I just spend like 2 weeks making my own engine and then I see this ;-;

Still amazing either way tho, you’re like the best developer ever


Been playing the game as a sort of way of filling up empty time
Happy to see an easy way to manipulate, change and really create something similar to Robeats!
I’ll definitely mess around with it and have some fun!

Great to see something like this happening, it could learn people about how this game was made, and how they could get inspired to make something perhaps alike.


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Very good way for people who don’t have a lot of songs in the actual game to try and make their own maps and be able to play them like it’s the actual game. Interested to see how people experiment with this!

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The yellow things look like burgers. :hamburger:


Its cool to see that making custom maps is now more open sourced than ever. You should also link a tutorial on how to make a osu song thing.

Exists! Made by the community (this one’s from 1+ year ago, but most of the stuff should still apply).


and so it begins… making this engine become even closer to StepMania…

thank you so much for making this officially open source, can’t wait to mess around with it!

Mad respect for doing this. You open sourced your hard work when you had no obligation to do so. It speaks volumes! I’m sure that many people will benefit from this, and maybe it’ll spark a renaissance of rhythm games on Roblox. I can’t wait to see what people can make with this!


Dang, now I can mod the game and make my own songs, change the perfect rate, and do everything I want! Jokes aside this is really good that you open source legendary game like that. Respect!

(PS I am that one Nikola from discord xD)

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This is going to be very useful to use in my game as a minigame thing along with other minigames I have. While also featuring my favorite game inside my upcoming game! :+1:

Was wondering- is there a way I can add custom settings? I can’t seem to make the settings UI visible.

yup, you go in the replicated storage if i remember then look for the configurations or whatever blah blah blah just go look in each individual scripts you should see the preferences to edit your speed permanently without going in the ui gui over and over when you playtest and stop

also “I can’t seem to make the settings UI visible” either you probably removed a file necessary (a local script) or the source template is deprecated, using “zx ,.” is also broken since it instead snaps your camera on the right side so you may want to look up tutorials i prefer from alvinblox and thedevking they do basic and basic things that seem advanced

anyways end of my talk good luck

By me not seeing the settings I mean I can’t see them in the studio and I can only see them when playing. Was wondering if there was a way to make them visible in the studio

click on the UI with an eye next to it on the corner of the gameplay screen if it’s grey it means its turned off or if it’s already blue, try going to the GUIs in starter guis and see if they are disabled for developers by looking in the properties

Yeah the UI is on, I still can’t find a way to see the UI’s in studio

Updated the audio id in this place to work with the recent audio changes.
Until roblox releases audio permissions: all experiences, this audio won’t work by default when you copy the place. This is the audio file mp3, feel free to use for anything (no credits required).