[OPEN SOURCE] Sabers Unleashed 2.5


Over the past 4 years I have been developing Star Wars themed lightsaber fighting games, with the most recent release being Sabers Unleashed 2 in 2022. Over the past 2 years, I’ve been split on creating Sabers Unleashed 3 with what direction I wanted to take.

Sabers Unleashed 2.5 was the original version of Sabers Unleashed 3, and has a lot of features I will go in depth on later. The game wasn’t finished though because I began developing a rescript to try a different approach, making this a “Sabers Unleashed 2.5” sort of deal.

The tech in the game is the highlight of it and the reason I want to make this open source. There is a lot of bugs in the code and I do not recommend copy pasting it without editing it into a production game for this reason. It is unfinished, but basic ideas and principles remain intact.

My hope is that this open source will be used by or can help other developers with creating lock on swordfighting games like the Sabers Unleashed series, Saber Battlegrounds, and Lightsaber Battles 2.


Lock on directional combat

NPC support and basic NPCs

Menus, Settings, And Special Abilities


Saber throw, Force heal, Blaster, and Guardbreak perks

Burn Marks and Blade Flicker VFX

Low poly map

Blade locks

Closing notes

This isn’t really meant to be a showcase or anything, but more of something that people can draw from to see how I make stuff. There’s a lot of spaghetti code and junk in here, but at the same time i’m sure that there is some use to be found.

The system uses Raycast Hitbox V4 and an IK foot placement module by Scarious with adjustments by iGottic. Find me on discord @epictitanic6g

I do ask if you decide to use any code from here to please credit me so that others may find this resource

TL;DR, heres the link and enjoy


No way this is a community resource. I do not believe it. This is incredible!


Really cool foundation for developers, can’t believe you would be placing this as a open resource for everyone to use!


Yo, I wonder where are most of the animations? I found a few of dummies with AnimSaves, however they do not have most of the animations under them. I need to reupload them to Roblox for them to work for me, for which I reuquire the AnimSaves under dummy.


I didn’t put the actual key frame animations in because I forgot to. I’ll edit the post shortly with a script you can use.


Yo when shall I expect the script? Reminding it.

Sorry about the wait

game:GetObjects("")[1].Parent = workspace --Paste anim id in string

Simply go in and find the animation that you want to use then paste the animation between the quotation marks

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